Disclaimer: These terms are defined as how I use them, not as their standard definition.
Logic: The logic or protocols that the pre-synaptic or post-synaptic neurons follow when reacting to chemical reactions or initiating them
Meta-logic: The logic that the collective neurons use to regulate the protocols and actions between them. This meta-logic of the brain is naturally created through the attempt of the brain’s logic of trying to understand its own “logic” self, where meta-logic is the logic that guides logic. It is what is naturally used for the brain’s entire “sum logic” to interact with itself.
- Meta-logic is how each individual neural logic sees one another as they interact, because to a logic, another logic is essentially perceived as how it affects its own structure and function. (How logic changes (what manipulates interactions between logics) therefore is = meta-logic)
- Meta-logic is only real to the logic that creates them through their interactions, because it is defined as how each interacting logic “sees” each other as (not in an actual visual sense but in a feeling sense).
Qualia: Colors, sounds, thoughts, emotions etc…the things we can feel through our senses + our conscious experiences that are not from the external environment. Different qualia experiences can be attributed to the different ways (= meta-logic) that a logic / logical protocol triggered from the sensory neuron is perceived to (affects) the brain’s logic as a whole, from its own local perspective.
To be more specific, they can be attributed to the different ways in which the former alters each logical function (and its dimensions) of the brain’s logical protocols as a whole, as perceived by and within the brain’s system itself (through its self-perception aka self-awareness) and not observed by a third-person.
- What the way the logical structure has been altered MEANS to the functions of the said logical structure is Qualia.
Closed-ring-structure: Mostly referring to a series of neurons (or abstract structure of neurons) that are each connected to the one next to themselves, therefore creating a ring of neurons. It is a simplified model of the brain. Because of this I sometimes refer to this as the closed net structure, because realistically, all neurons should not only connect to the ones next to themselves but to every other neuron also acting as building blocks for this series of neurons, making it look more like a net than a ring.
Translation: When the postsynaptic neuron translates the presynaptic neuron, that means upon receiving a signal from the presynaptic neuron, the postsynaptic neuron cannot help but only perceive the presynaptic neuron as whatever signal it got from it + more specifically how that signal affected its overall logic (structure and function) as a neuron.
Consciousness supervenes on the physical, yet it can also be argued that the other way around is also simultaneously true, because consciousness is how the physical (the brain) experiences itself, and therefore the change in consciousness IS equal to the change in the physical.
Physiological organization is a part of functional organization because different physical substances are different atoms / particles with different functions organized in different structures.
Summary of my theory just by using the above terms:
The many neurons connect with each other to form the closed net structure. When each of them translates other neurons that they are connected to, then it will be equivalent to the entire closed net structure translating itself (“feeling and being itself”).
When this whole thing translates itself, it will translate “the logic it runs on” into its own terms while using the said same logic to translate it, into meta-logic, where it is used by the net structure to govern its own logic.
This meta-logic of the brain is naturally created through the attempt of the brain’s logic of trying to understand its own “logic” self, where meta-logic is the logic that guides logic, and is therefore how it feels to be whatever the meta-logic belongs to. In guiding and sustaining / coexisting with the logic and thus the self-translation of the brain, the meta-logic has to become aware of the said logic and the object of self-translation (the brain) in order to do so in the first place.
This makes the meta-logic not “the awareness itself”, but I assume that it would be essentially what it is like for the brain to be aware and experience things in its own local perspective, a.k.a the brain’s conscious experiences.
- But how?
- Meta-logic is what it’s like to control logic, through logic. It is what it’s like for logic to be formulated.
- “The self-awareness itself” would actually be the brain (the closed net structure) perceiving / translating / feeling etc its own self, and meta-logic is what the brain uses to be aware of itself, or what it’s like for the brain to be aware of itself (which includes all experiences that the brain goes through from its own conscious perspective)
- So “the self-awareness itself” is akin to the being and emergence of the meta-logic, or more specifically the net structure / the brain’s [self-translation INTO] meta-logic in general. = The process of meta-logic in general within the brain.
- But it is different from the “types” of the meta-logic, which is essentially what awareness itself (the overall meta-logic of the entire brain) contains, and is equal to conscious experience.
- So a single conscious experience is to the self-awareness what a meta-logic of a certain type is to the [self-pointing aspect] or the very “being” (which comes into being through declaring its boundaries to that of the brain (self-pointing)) of the entire brain’s process of overall general meta-logic.
That is to say, a conscious experience is to the self-awareness, what a meta-logic of a certain type is to the overall process of meta-logic in general that specifically declares itself to be within the brain.