The consciousness’ being-ness, or being of being, or Being does not only come from within its own being (as a being is always Be-ing), but thus comes from the greater Being too. In that sense, the distinction between the internal being and the external Being fades, as one incorporates / uses the other in making being be (= Being with capital B). One is equal to the other thanks to each other.
In that sense, consciousness does not belong to only the conscious individual or only the greater whole of all beings, as the two are one in ‘B’eing and cannot be separated like you cannot separate the two ends of the same spectrum that are connected to each other. The internal and the external are different yet one—to consider one more real than the other is an illusion.
The laws of nature and logic is what produces our mind and consciousness, but by its own logic does not and cannot dictate in an absolute sense how we “ought to” use our mind and consciousness through some sort of “natural law”. The most logical form of consciousness and state of mind is that which is allowed and present at the time. Logic governs the natural world and consciousness is parts of the natural world aware of itself. In being aware of itself, it is governed by logic TO BE governed by its own separate logic.
Consciousness is how those individual parts within the natural logic (the brain and the nervous system, or rather their actions) is Being and Becoming through its own meta-logic. Which is to say in more simplified terms, that consciousness is “what it’s like” for those parts of the natural logic to “be itself”. All it has to do is to be themselves as parts of the natural logic, but that form of existence does not “require” consciousness to abide by what is right or what ought to be in its own standards. What ought to be is simply its own being, and nothing else. Our consciousness is still a part of the natural universal logic, or more specifically, what it’s like for parts of it to be themselves—meta-logic.
The natural logic in this sense is only useful in describing the actions of our brain producing consciousness and acting consciously, but not sufficiently useful in describing “how consciousness ought to be” (man’s self-imposed morality), because whichever way consciousness acts in, whether “logical” or “illogical” in our sense, whether “moral” or “immoral”, its being is the being of the natural logic that is universal.
The greater whole of Being can exercise parts of itself or beings when it uses those beings like they are independent beings.
Consciousness is not physical—it is how physicality experiences its own self—what it’s “like to be” physical for a physical object, but not the physicality itself. It is what physicality is to physicality.
(Or in a more accurate description, it is what a physical logical system is like to itself, or what it’s like for it to be itself, because meta-logic is how the logic of the brain experiences itself more than it is how the brain experiences itself.) Its Being is the Being that it experiences when it encounters itself.
—> So consciousness is not just what it’s like to be the brain, but more broadly what it’s like to be (meta-logic) the brain’s logical system. We ARE the logical system, and our self-awareness of the “we” is the way the logical system of the brain experiences itself, aka meta-logic.
The logical system and protocols of the brain that it carries out through itself happens to “possess” the brain as if we would possess our brain. We, our consciousness, are equal to that, and so we are the way in which the brain operates.
So in that sense our being, the logical system and protocols of the brain, is more so equal to what the brain does and how it does it, than the brain itself. We, our consciousness, are parts of not just the physical world but also what makes things BE the way they are. We are the essence of Being particularly acting on the human brain, but inevitably connected to Being itself as a whole per our definition.
We are more so ”how” the brain is be-ing (according to its logical protocols, but in that sense our existence also includes the brain itself because how the brain operates itself inevitably includes the “brain itself” that operates itself, in its definition.
And because we are the “way” the brain operates its own existence meaning we are also the brain’s existence that we operate.
We are not just physical but what it’s like to be a physical system (meta-physical).